Horror Movie Dreams

I’ve been getting some bomb ass sleep lately, which is great, but with those deep sleeps come some pretty wild dreams. I’ve been having scary dreams recently. I wouldn’t call them nightmares cause it’s not like I wake up terrified, but just where my dreams take on a real dark side.

I had one recently where I was going to a prescreening of a new horror film coming out and  it claimed to be ‘too scary for theaters’ or something along those lines. So I go to see this movie and within 15 minutes of it starting, it had people half way out of their seats in terror. Whatever was shown on the screen literally frightened every single person and we all began screaming and running out of the theater, myself included.

Over the next few days, strange things started happening to me and the people around me started to change. They began acting extremely ‘dark’ and I guess kind of evil. And somehow, whatever scary thing that was shown in that theater became a part of my life and I was being followed or haunted by this thing. People became shapeshifters and would morph into this black demonic creature thing and try to get me.

But because I lucid dream like almost every time I have a dream, I was aware that this was just a dream and I had nothing to be scared of. So in knowing that, it was my job to prove that this wasn’t happening and to show I wasn’t scared of this thing and that was the only way this demonic creature would go away and go back to wherever it came from. So that’s what I did lol

And that was basically the end of my dream. I ended up fighting it off and it never bothered me again.

I like to think this is some dream metaphor trying to tell me that there will always be problems or situations or obstacles that will happen, and they might scare me and try to break me, but it’s my job to push back and to not be afraid. And in doing so, I will succeed.

That, or I have out of body experiences while I lucid dream and my life is the movie Insidious and those are actual demons trying to take over my body while I’m sleeping and I for real fought them in dream land to get back to the real world…..

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Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great day everyone!(:


Hey guys! So I’ve decided I kind of want to separate my photography from my blog. When I first started this, I had intended it to be a place where I could voice my thoughts and opinions on topics or however I happen to be feeling, and somehow I slowly ended up making it more about my photos, posting more about that than what’s on my mind.

I will still post the occasional photo or two on here, but as I’m beginning to build a portfolio for my photography semi professionally, I have created my own website where I can showcase my work for potential clients or really anybody to view and contact me.

I hope everyone who has continued to enjoy my photography will also check out my website as I will be posting the majority of my photos on there!

Happy viewing!(:

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Desert Shores

Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a good October! Please enjoy a few photos I took a few weeks ago at Desert Shores here in Las Vegas. I went in the early morning because I knew the water would be still and make for some cool reflection shots(:









Thanks for stopping by!(:


Hey guys! Hope everybody has been having a great week! Please enjoy a few photos I took at a friend’s party last week(:








The Linq & Flamingo Las Vegas

Please enjoy these photos I took last week while I was walking through the Linq and the Flamingo in Las Vegas(:

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Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope everyone has a great day(:

Spring Mountain Ranch

Last week my boyfriend and I went to one of my favorite places in Las Vegas and walked around to take some cool photos. It was fun to share my favorite place with him, even though it was hot and would have been much nicer in the fall or winter. But I’m glad he wanted to go with me.

Here’s a compilation of some fun shots we took together that day. Hope you enjoy!


The ranch house




Inside the bedroom in the ranch house



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Shot by my boyfriend







Lake Harriet

Thank you for stopping by my blog!

I Have Too Many Thoughts

Today I decided to type up some of the random thoughts that pop into my head throughout the day and some of the things I think about on a daily basis when something happens. I always have a lot on my mind, but I don’t always express it. I just have too many thoughts and I don’t feel like I need to bother anyone with all my thoughts or questions on different things.

So anyway, here are 20 of some of the random thoughts I have:

  •  When I make my hedgehog look in the mirror does he know it’s himself or does he think it’s another hedgehog? I definitely underestimate him but I still don’t know just how smart he is. But swear, one time when I was super drunk he looked at me like he knew all my secrets.
  • Why do I own so many clothes when I only wear about 50% of them? And why do I still keep the things I don’t normally wear, as if I’m gonna magically start wearing them again?
  • It’s so annoying when people think they’re right about fucking everything and can’t admit they’re ever wrong. So they just argue about it and call you names because they don’t want to back down and just admit that they were wrong. Like stop being a stubborn little child and grow the fuck up.
  • I really suck at non physical communication with friends and people. I just don’t like texting or talking on the phone or messaging or anything like that. If it’s not an in person conversation, I basically have almost no desire to talk to you. I’ll receive a message, look at it, form a response in my head, and then not reply back. I mean, not always of course. I do reply sometimes but only if the other person is interesting and can hold an interesting conversation for a bit and not be boring. But even then I don’t reply right away.
  • I wonder what I smell like to dogs. Do I actually smell like my wild Madagascar vanilla lotion to them? Do they even know about vanilla?
  • I wonder what my hedgehog’s voice would sound like if he could talk. I hope he’d have a cute voice and not a super deep old man voice.
  • I LOVE blogging and writing and getting my ideas down on paper, or on the internet, but most of the time I’m consumed in life and having a good time that I feel like I don’t necessarily have time to write. Which is untrue because I totally have time, I just don’t take the time to sit down and blog. I honestly use that time to sit in my room and listen to music while I daydream or dance around. I like to think I’m too busy to come up with posts, but I really have a lot on my mind and a lot to talk about that I don’t actually say.
  • I don’t care if this makes me sound like a total bitch, but it’s honestly so satisfying to see someone I hate struggling in life. Like yasss bitch, you deserve it. I don’t care where you are or what you’re doing with your life, but if I happen to see you struggling and having a hard time, GOOD(: How can you expect bad things not to happen to you when you’re a shitty person? You struggle and your life sucks because you suck lol. But to everyone who I don’t hate, and those who have personally never done me wrong, I hope life is good and you all have great days and you feel loved and happy.
  • I really like potatoes. I should go eat potatoes.
  • People who complain at rock shows are annoying. Like I don’t get the people who go to hardcore shows or festivals like Warped Tour and complain that they ‘got hurt’ lol like you’re in the crowd what did you think was going to happen. That’s part of the experience; you have to expect it. I’ve been tossed around and kicked in the head and fell on by people too big to crowd surf countless times at shows and I never complain. I’m in the pit, of course that’s gonna happen. I’m used to it and I love it. I wouldn’t want to go to a show if it’s going to be boring and everybody is just standing still and not getting into it. But if you can’t handle that then you should just watch on the sides tbh.
  • Why do people insist on copying you, the things you have, and the things you say and do? Like you really have no personality at all that you have to try and take mine? I personally know a couple people who have no personality and no opinion on anything so they just copy everything I like, everything I say, and everything I do. There was this time I told someone a little detail about something I went through and now they’re using my exact words and phrases and telling it as their own story lol like what the fuck. Not only did you steal my memory but you had to use the very specific phrase I used to describe it and think I wouldn’t know. Retard.
  • It’s weird to me that I have shopping phases where I won’t want to buy anything and don’t buy anything for a few months, then all of a sudden I want to go out and buy everything I see that I want. (Of course I don’t do that, but still)
  • I find myself daydreaming a lot. Like is this normal? Does anybody else daydream profusely or is it just me? I will literally wake up in the morning, kill time on my phone by opening Spotify, listening to music while checking my emails, browsing through Instagram and Snapchat and my blog. Then I’ll just be consumed by random thoughts and start to daydream about something before deciding to come back to reality and participate in life. Or when I’m watching tv or eating, I start to daydream randomly.
  • I love counting my money everyday. Because I make so much money I literally love to count it every day. It sounds silly, but bringing out a big ass stack of 100’s and counting how many thousands I have everyday is so satisfying. And then when I get paid every week and get to add at least another thousand to it is even more satisfying.
  • I like being alone and I don’t mind it at all. I’m happy when I get to be by myself and I’m perfectly fine with that. But I’m also really happy when I get to be around friends. However, in all honesty I get bored of people so fast, or I’ll just get annoyed being around a lot of people so I’d rather be alone and enjoy my own company. Unless it’s my boyfriend, then that’s different. I really enjoy his company, even if we’re just sitting at home doing nothing; and he doesn’t annoy me at all lol
  • I hate how easily I tan. I know everybody wants to be tan and they try so hard to achieve a perfect tan, but me, on the other hand, I try my best to stay as light as I can. I’m not white or pale by any means; I naturally have a little tan to my skin, but I’m still considered really light. But I just never want to tan or get darker.
  • Props to the people who actually have the courage to come up and talk to me WITHOUT being a fucking idiot. Most of the time people are too scared to talk to me so they’ll just awkwardly stare at me as if I can’t see them and they’ll never actually say anything to me. Or I get the people who come up to talk to me but they just act stupid and think they’re the shit. Like, it’s totally fine to introduce yourself but don’t be dumb.
  • I’m really not sure why I love plushies and stuffed animals so much or why I have so many of them. I don’t ‘need’ them, but I obsess over their cute, derpy faces and I have to have them! I don’t think it’s a comfort thing, more like I love collecting and having a bunch of cute ass plushies with adorably derpy faces.
  • I love watching makeup tutorials and sometimes I’m like ‘hey that’s cute, I’m gonna do my makeup like that’ but then I remember I’m actually not that into makeup and don’t have the patience to do any of that shit. Just simple bb cream, bronzer, and mascara works for me(: I look better with less makeup anyway.
  • I’m very territorial. Like just in general. If it’s mine, don’t touch it, don’t use it, don’t even think about using it. Sharing is my least favorite word. Especially when it’s a material object and I know the person either has one of their own, or could easily go buy one. Like what the hell, do I look like a fucking Goodwill to you? How about if you want one go freaking buy it yourself because no, you can’t use mine. Again, my boyfriend doesn’t count. I don’t mind if he touches anything of mine because I know he respects my stuff. But anyone else wanting to use something of mine pisses me off so much. What’s mine is mine, including my boyfriend, so don’t touch him either lol

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Hope you enjoyed my ranting about some of the thoughts I  have, and thank you for stopping by my blog(:

Twenty Two

So I turned 22 years old yesterday. Not that it really means anything because I still look like I’m 16 lol

Thanks to my boyfriend, I actually had a pretty dope birthday. I woke up with my boyfriend wishing me a happy birthday again, I went to go see my parents in the early afternoon and they took me out for lunch and dessert, then I went home for a bit to see my cute boyfriend and kiss his face, but he was out grocery shopping cause he was going to be cooking dinner for us. (How romantic) He basically told me that I couldn’t be home from like 6-7 so he gave me $100 of guilt free money to spent on anything I wanted at Sephora lol

I went to the mall and got some stuff I’ve been running out of and also some things I’ve been wanting to try but too lazy to go buy it myself.


I ended up getting a new glow kit from Anastasia Beverly Hills. I got my palette in ‘Sun Dipped’, which comes with bronzed, summer, tourmaline, and moonstone and they’re all gorgeous as fuck!


I bought a new Sephora eyebrow brush. It’s just a normal angled eyebrow brush so I didn’t feel like taking a photo of it lol

I got a pair of Huda lashes in Samantha #7. They’re really long and pretty and more importantly, they’re wispy as fuck. I don’t normally like false lashes since I have eyelash extensions, but recently I’ve been letting my extensions naturally fall out so I can get a new set completely. So in the meantime, if I’m wearing false lashes I want the good shit.


And lastly I picked up the Benefit They’re Real mascara to try it out. I’ve been wanting to try this mascara out for a while now but I haven’t gone to buy it until now. I got the small travel size one because I only put mascara on my bottom lashes so I felt like if I bought the regular sized tube it would have just been a waste. It’s so cute and small and I think it’ll be perfect for my bottom lashes.


My boyfriend said that I had to spend the whole $100 guilt free but I only spent $88 at Sephora. I couldn’t find something I wanted to use the rest of the $12 on cause the other things I wanted were like $50.(I actually ended up using that left over money on gas today)

I came home at 7 like my boyfriend said to and he came out to greet me at my car with a little crown and a happy birthday balloon(: He ended up not making dinner, but throwing a little surprise party instead with our friends. I didn’t know he was going to be surprising me with a party but then people starting popping out of bathrooms and closets lol

And the rest of the night consisted of getting drunk, playing beer pong and Cards Against Humanity, and weird conversations. It was an awesome surprise and a great night with great people. Thanks to my boyfriend for putting that together last minute(:

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Hope everyone has a great day(:

Exploring The Calico Ghost Town

It’s been a very long time since I wrote about photography or posted any of my adventure photos on here. So let’s go back in time a little, to April of this year, and check out my photo collection I took from my family day trip to the Calico Ghost Town(:

I believe this is also the first collection of photos I took with my new Canon T6s and I love how they came out. Hope you enjoy(:

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I Finally Moved Out

Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog post. I know I’ve been gone for a bit since I had my wisdom teeth removed but I have been kind of busy to be honest. Other than recovering from having my teeth pulled out, I returned to work for a bit, and, the main point of this post, I FINALLY MOVED OUT OF MY PARENTS HOUSE. Yay! I’ve actually been living in my new apartment for a little over a week now, but still. I’m excited(:

My boyfriend ended up moving back to Vegas along with his cool cousin and we all got an apartment together. And let me tell you, I’ve been wanting to move out of my parents house since I was like 16 years old; but I wanted to do it right and wanted to be comfortable in that situation. Sure, I had the means to move before, but just because I was unhappy didn’t mean that I was going to do anything dramatic and try to move out on my own.

But now that I’m older, getting to move out and getting to live with my boyfriend is suuuuuper liberating. Like this is all I’ve been wanting. To move out, have my own place, live with my boyfriend and be fucking happy as fuck lol

Seriously though, I’m even happier now that I get to come home to my cute ass boyfriend, cuddles, and Law & Order SVU like DOES IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS!? He freaking cooks for me and is literally the best ever and I appreciate him so much. I’m actually excited to go home now. I actually WANT to be home lol as much as I love going to work and making lots of money, I think I love coming home to my boyfriend and his love way more.

But yeah, just thought I would share some of my happiness and excitement with you guys(:

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Have a great day everyone(: